May 21, 2019

My SendTo_FFmpeg scripts, the big update

Updated my SendTo_FFmpeg scripts today.

It's getting much better:

  • A few new presets
  • Now all of the scripts (except external audio and mux) support multiple file selection.
  • Global settings for all batches in sendtoffmpeg_settings.cmd file (includes path to FFmpeg, verbosity level and end pause, descriptive names option in the next commit)
Just a reminder. SendTo_FFmpeg is a set of windows batches for effortless and free video transcoding. It's a set of tools I develop mainly for myself and it saves me tons of time every day. To use it, go to SendTo_FFmpeg scripts github page. Read the description and click "Clone or download" button.

Add current layer(s) info to your After Effects renders

Sometimes you need to include current layer(s) information to your renders, so they could be identified by a viewer or yourself or just for debugging purposes. Here's how.

1. Create an empty text layer
2. Unfold its properties to Text -> Source Text
3. Click its stopwatch while pressing Alt (it enables the expression for the Source Text)
4. Paste this expression:
// Sometimes you need to burn in your layer(s) information into your renders
// 1. Create an empty text layer
// 2. Unfold its properties to Text -> Source Text
// 3. Click its stopwatch while pressing Alt
// 4. Paste this expression. You can exclude these descriptive lines starting with //
// 5. Done. Now adjust the text properties to your preference
// This expression creates text with your composition name and current layer(s) numbers.
// If you do not want it to be included in the actual render, use Layer -> Guide Layer option
// This expression takes in account all the layers below itself, so to include all of comp layers make this text layer the topmost.
// The expression can be slow if you have some huge amount of layers in your comp.
var p = "", st = thisLayer.index + 1;
for (var i = st; i <= thisComp.numLayers; i++) {
if ((time > thisComp.layer(i).inPoint) && (time < thisComp.layer(i).outPoint)) {p = ((p==="") ? p + i : p + ", " + i)}
"comp: " + + "\nlayers: " + p
So your layer should look like this: 

5. You're done. Adjust the text layer's size, font, color and position to your preferences as usual. This expression creates text with your composition name and current layer(s) numbers. If you do not want it to be included in the actual render, use Layer -> Guide Layer option

Or if there's more than one layer active at current time:

This expression takes in account all the layers below itself, so to include all of comp layers make this text layer the topmost.
The expression can be slow if you have some huge amount of layers in your comp.

It's also very easy to get the layers names instead of their numbers. Here's the version for it:
// Sometimes you need to burn in your layer(s) information into your renders
// 1. Create an empty text layer
// 2. Unfold its properties to Text -> Source Text
// 3. Click its stopwatch while pressing Alt
// 4. Paste this expression. You can exclude these descriptive lines starting with //
// 5. Done. Now adjust the text properties to your preference
// This expression creates text with your composition name and current layer(s) names.
// If you do not want it to be included in the actual render, use Layer -> Guide Layer option
// This expression takes in account all the layers below itself, so to include all of comp layers make this text layer the topmost.
// The expression can be slow if you have some huge amount of layers in your comp.
var p = "", st = thisLayer.index+1;
for (var i = st; i <= thisComp.numLayers; i++) {
if ((time > thisComp.layer(i).inPoint) && (time < thisComp.layer(i).outPoint)) {p = ((p==="") ? p + thisComp.layer(i).name : p + ", " + thisComp.layer(i).name)}
"comp: ""\nlayers: " + p