Jul 10, 2018

How to add comment field to any windows Folder

I think it can be really useful in your workflow to have a comment field for your folders.
So I searched for simple way of adding a comment without using any additional software.

1. Right-click the folder and select Properties.

2. From the Properties dialog box, select the Customise tab, and then click the Change Icon button.

3. In the Change Icon dialog box, select an icon from the selections and click OK. Click OK to close the Properties dialog box. If you'd like to keep the normal folder icon, you can simply choose it from the selection when changing the icon, it is the exact same.

4. Open the folder, locate the Desktop.ini file, and double-click it (its a hidden file, you need to enable its visibility in explorer or enter its name directly). Add new line InfoTip= under the [.ShellClassInfo] section and type your detailed description immediately after the = sign. Go to File -> Save and close Notepad.

You'll see your detailed pop-up description the next time you hover the mouse over that specific folder or when you enable Comment field displayed in your explorer windows.